See what participants are saying about the program below.
I just want to say thank you to all of you and the Alaska Tobacco Quit Line. The coaching and weekly check-ins has been so helpful for me, you don’t realize how important the support is until you have it. One of my coaches said, “Life is hard enough, you don’t have to make it harder.” [by smoking] And that really hit me because my entire family has it rough out here and we are just making it worse for ourselves by sitting here smoking. I want to be the first one to break free from that. Thank you.
I received the reading material and it is phenomenal! I read the whole book. It’s very exciting to me that your program is really there to support me, that everything a person needs is right there if they’re ready to use it. I didn’t expect it and the program really came through and sent the patches. It helps so much to have the support and know that someone cares if I live or die.
All of you with this program are so kind. You’re non-judgmental and that is what REALLY makes a difference. Last Friday I was ashamed to call because I had failed. The guy I spoke with told me that it took him five tries to quit and knowing that really made me feel better. Thanks so much.
I give the credit to you guys; I don’t think I would have gone out and bought the patches [because of the price], and I don’t think I would have had the motivation to get started, but I really feel confident that I won’t smoke again. Your job is so important; you really do save lives. Thank you so much for calling- you sound like a real person.
I get a little choked up thinking about what you guys have done for me. I honestly don’t think I could’ve done this without you’re support. Give all your co-workers a big hug for me and tell them Bob said thank you!
I’m so impressed with this program, I’ve been telling everybody about it!